

Clunes Primary School has a whole school approach to Literacy. A daily two hour literacy block covering Reading and Writing and incorporating Speaking & Listening operates in all classrooms.

In Reading we use Whole/Part/Whole teaching. We teach to the whole group, then the chil-dren work in small groups independently while the teacher takes a group for Guided Reading, Guided Reading/ Reciprocal Teaching and Literature Circles.

Children are constantly monitored and always work at their individual instructional level.

In Writing, we teach a range of text types at each year level. We use VCOP strategies and games which cover vocabulary, connective words, interesting openers for their sentences and punctuation. The Big Write is used to build up children’s writing stamina and post - session student and teacher analysis and assessment is used to edit and set individual goals for future writing.

Spelling is taught by direct instruction through a program called Spelling Mastery (SRA) from Year One to Six for half an hour for four days of the week.


As well as regular classroom activities and instructions children chosen from Grade 1 to enter this acceleration program in reading and writing will have daily half hour lessons conducted on an individual basis by a trained Reading Recover teacher. These lessons continue for approximately 20 weeks.

About Us
Established in 1875, Clunes Primary School offers students a safe and supportive learning environment.
Call us on (03) 5345 3182Send us an email at Us: 1 Canterbury St. Clunes, 3370, VIC